Cesar’s Tips: Setting Goals
for 2011 A new year is a great time to set new goals for yourself, your life, and your relationship with
your dog! Here are some ideas to keep in mind as your make your resolutions for your canine companion in the year ahead.
Put aside excuses and find the time to devote to your canine
companion. Whether it is more time on the walk, or less time away from home, make time to spend with your pet so
you can improve your bond and strengthen your pack leadership! Slow
down and live in the moment! The problems and stresses that we deal with on a daily basis can sometimes blind us
to the good things in our lives. That is human nature. So take a page from your dog’s book! Try not to fret about
things that may or may not happen down the road. Don’t dwell on something you said yesterday and whatever effects it
may have on your life today. Plan a day that’s just for you and your dog. Wake up and be aware of how you feel. Take
a walk and clear your mind. Enjoy the sights and sounds and smells of the world around you, and enjoy the company of your
canine friend. Everyone deserves a little vacation now and then, and if you’re lucky, you may discover a way to take
a little piece of that feeling with you in your everyday life! Let
your dog be a dog! Many owners make the well-intentioned mistake of thinking of their dogs as people. They assume
that their minds and emotions work in exactly the same way as ours. Humanizing a dog creates imbalance, and a dog out of
balance is an unfulfilled and, more often than not, troubled dog. So instead of trying to make your dog human, think of
getting to know your dog for who she really is as an exciting new adventure! Remember they are animal first, then species,
then breed, and then name! Reconnect with nature.
In so many ways, we humans are different from every other being that shares this planet with us. We have the power to rationalize,
which includes the power to fool ourselves. Yet, no matter how much we ravage the earth, our animal natures yearn to be
fulfilled. Dogs are a lifeline to that instinctual part of ourselves that so many humans have lost touch with. Reconnect
with Mother Nature through your dog’s nose, eyes, and ears, and take some time to enjoy the nature that surrounds you.
Go on a hike, smell the air and the flowers, take a camping trip or simply sit outside and soak up some sun or meditate
under the stars!
Dog Bad Habits There are certain dog bad habits that you'll want to fix, right away. Especially if you want to take your
dog with you, anywhere you go without inflaming the resentment of friends and family. You'll be surprised at how
many of these habits can be fixed by learning how to give your dog a motivational leash correction, along with
the proper use of timing and consistency.
Here are five behaviors you can teach your dog to make him a well-mannered companion and get rid of the dog bad habits that would make your dog an unwanted house guest:
Housebreaking: Let's face it... nobody wants you to bring your dog to their office party if he isn't
house trained. There are five secrets to housebreaking your dog in a hurry: 1. Administer a leash and collar correction
when he has an accident; 2. Praise him when he eliminates outside; 3. Establish a "Go Potty" command
and place; 4. Clean up any accidents with an enzymatic neutralizer, like "Nature's Miracle" which you
can buy at most pet stores; 5. Keep your dog in a crate or kennel run when you cannot supervise him, 100% of the time- so that
you're consistent.
Jumping up on visitors: Hey, I love dogs as much as the next guy. But
I also enjoy being clean and presentable. It's not your visitor's job to correct your dog. So, keep that leash and
training collar on your dog, say "No!" and administer a firm leash correction when he jumps. You can "set
up" this behavior with confederates so that your dog learns that jumping up is not allowed, anywhere. After
a few different people and environments, he'll quickly extrapolate that standing and waiting for praise is a rule
that applies to everyone. When you see that your dog makes a decision not to jump up, praise him profusely.
Nipping: It's not cute and it's not funny. Nipping turns into full-fledged dog aggression,
eventually. Use your leash correction just like you did for jumping. Then re-create the same situation and tempt
your dog to do it, again. If he makes the wrong decision (ouch!) ... then your leash correction wasn't motivational
enough. If he makes the right decision, then give calm praise.
Barking: I don't have to
tell you how annoying this can be. To fix it: First, figure out what's causing your dog to bark excessively. Is
he bored? Boredom causes a lot of dogs to bark. Fix it. Is he barking when he is approached by people? Use my
techniques to correct him. When he chooses to instead sit calmly... you guessed it: Praise him, because he's made the
right decision.
Running Away: Keep your dog on a 20 - 30 foot long line every time
you take him outside. When you call him, make him come. If he runs away, step on the line, and then go to him and correct him. Then walk back to where you originally called him and make him come. There is a technique to this so
that you don't make your dog 'leash smart' ... which I go into more detail about, in my book. But in a nutshell:
You're playing a mind-game with your dog. When he's given up on the idea that he can run away from you- substitute
the long line with the tab (1 foot leash). The dog's lack of higher logic and reason will prevent him from knowing
the difference, if you do it right.
The key to fixing most dog bad habits is: Timing, Consistency and
Motivation. Once you understand how those three core concepts work together, then it's just a matter of choosing the right dog training tool (leash, training collar, prong collar, e-collar, etc...) that fits
your dog's temperament and the behavior that you're having trouble with. I go into greater detail and explanation
about all of this in my book, Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer. -Adam Enjoy your dog, - Adam Katz Dogproblems.com-
Feel free to send in your favorite recipe
(dog treat), or a good training tip!
Sweet Potato Chews Take a large sweet potato cut lenth wise 1/3-1/4 slices arrange on cookie sheet bake at 250 for 3 hours (turning half way) Let cool store in
fridge for up to (3 weeks)
Brady loves them! Sent in by Dawn
Frosty Paws (sent
in by Dawn Costa) 32oz. Vanilla
Yogurt 2 Tbs. Peanutbutter 2 Tbs. Honey 1 Mashed Banana Mix together,
then seperate into freezer containers & freeze!
Brew's Brownies (sent
in by Cathy) 1 tube (2lbs.) of raw
meat thawed in fridge. 2 cups
organic brown rice flour 2 eggs 1/4 cup oil Garlic powder Mix all ingredients. Spred thinly on a greased brownie pan. Bake 425 for 15 minutes. Shut off oven
but leave in until oven is cool so they dry out. Cut into cubes. Refridgerate what you will use in 1 week, freeze the rest.
Pumpkin Dog Cookies (sent in by Cathy) 1 15 oz. can unspiced mashed pumpkin 3/4 cup cream of rice cereal 1/2 cup dry powdered milk Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Drop cookie sized spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet.
Bake @300 for 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
The Socialization Myth: Are We Forcing Our Dogs to Fail?Society has made a drastic shift in how we expect
our dogs to behave. Once valued and bred via genetic selection for their working abilities, independence, and loyalty to their family units, today’s
pet dogs are increasingly pressured to be overly social, to a degree they were never bred for. From dog parks to daycare centers,
playgroups to leashed greetings, the modern dog is constantly placed in situations where forced socialization is the norm.
But at what cost? The
Illusion of Social Success Many owners mistake initial excitement for friendliness. A wagging tail, bouncy movements, and curiosity might seem
like signs of a happy, well-socialized dog. But underneath, there’s often an internal conflict brewing—fear, uncertainty,
and overstimulation. Just like people, dogs can experience excitement and fear at the same time. When those conflicting emotions
reach a tipping point, the response can be instinctive and defensive—growling, snapping, lunging, or worse. Fortunately, dogs and their owners who have been
professionally trained are equipped to handle these scenarios. They have invested in their dogs’ education, ensuring
they can navigate interactions appropriately and avoid unnecessary conflict. The real danger lies in those who don’t—owners
who allow their dogs to invade the space of others without understanding body language, boundaries, or proper public etiquette.
These situations create high-risk encounters, leading to fights and injuries that could have been prevented with education
and awareness. The Consequences
of Forced Interaction Dog fights happen in a matter of seconds, and they can be devastating—not only for the dogs but also for the
people trying to break them up. Many well-meaning pet owners lack the experience or reflexes to prevent or de-escalate conflict.
Worse yet, a single bad interaction can shape a dog’s behavior for life, making them more fearful or defensive in future
encounters. And what happens
when dog-related incidents rise? Restrictions follow. • More breed
bans • More leash laws
• More areas where dogs are no longer welcome If we continue down this path—forcing dogs into uncomfortable social situations without
respecting their natural instincts—we may find ourselves with fewer freedoms as dog owners. A Call for Change: Respect Over Expectation So how do we stop this trend? How do we shift
our expectations before it’s too late? 1. Respect Personal Space
– Just as we wouldn’t force a stranger into an unwanted hug, we shouldn’t assume every dog wants to interact
with others. A dog ignoring another dog is not “anti-social”—it’s natural. 2. Ditch the “All Dogs Must Play” Mentality – Some dogs enjoy canine companionship, but many prefer
to stick with their own humans. That’s okay. 3. Listen to What Your
Dog is Telling You – If your dog is uncomfortable, allow them the space to disengage. Learn body language from an experienced
professional dog trainer. 4. Advocate for Responsible Breeding –
Breeders should consider temperament and adaptability when producing future generations, especially given the unrealistic
social demands society now places on dogs. The Future of Dog Ownership If we don’t start bending our expectations, there will be a breaking point. Whether it’s through stricter
laws, increased liability, or a rise in behavioral issues, the signs are already there. The question is: Will we listen?
Remember: Bored dogs cause problems. If you don't keep your
dog's mind stimulated, chances are that he'll find activities to stimulate his mind, himself. And you won't like
those activities:) A dog that is mentally stimulated on a daily basis is a happy dog. And happy dogs don't cause
dog problems.
Here is a quick list of how to keep your dog mentally stimulated:
Exercise! Lots of exercise. If you can incorporate exercise with another activity such as playing "find
the ball", or doing some agility exercises, then that's even better.
2. Brain teaser toys.
There are a number of cool toys that actually challenge your dogs mind. For example, the "Buster Cube", a plastic
cube that releases a pellet of food, every 3rd or 4th time the cube is rolled over.
3. Small rituals
done at the same time of the day, every day. For example, feeding time, grooming, walks, "cookie" time, car trips,
4. Dogs like to work! Teach your dog to bring in the newspaper, carry mail back from the
mailbox, heel next to you when you take the trash out, bring your slippers, keys, phone or whatever to you, etc...
5. Do obedience training with your dog! Obedience training requires your dog to use his brain and think.
Knowing that he will be praised for making the right decision and corrected for making the wrong decision (and allowed the
opportunity to make the right decision again) instills a sense of responsibility in your dog and demands that he use his noggin.
Remember: Dogs are bred to work. They've been blessed with super-human instincts and drives and they need an outlet for
those drives!
(Copyright 2003-2006 By Browning Direct, Inc. & Adam G. Katz)
Holidays With Dogs - 7 Must Have Safety Tips (Copyright 2011 by Browning
Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.) Holidays With Dogs - 7 Must
Have Safety Tips
Keep your dog safe and happy this holiday season by following these seven simple
rules: Rule #1: Chocolate is for you, not for your dog. Rule #2:
Dog food is for dogs and people food is for people. If you give your dog cookies, candy, turkey or other holiday foods, it can cause stomach upset, allergies or in some cases-- death. A quality dog food will meet all of your dog's
dietary needs. Rule #3: Keep a training collar and leash on your dog, whenever your dog is around friends
and family. Using the holidays as a training opportunity is a good way to teach your dog that he must behave, regardless of distractions.
#4: Your dog doesn't need expensive gifts to have a happy holiday. Let's face it--we're talking about an animal
that derives pleasure from eating cat poop and rolling in dead fish. You don't need to spend $80 on a doggie sweater,
when a rawhide bone covered with peanut butter will bring your dog hours of delight. Rule #5: Confine
your dog to a crate or a kennel when you can't supervise him. Dogs are "den animals." They derive a sense
of security and well being when they're confined to a small, enclosed area. Think of a kennel in the same way you'd
think of a baby's play pen or crib: If your dog isn't old enough (or responsible enough) to be left unsupervised--
then put him in the crate. Rule #6: Keep all trash containers safely closed or behind a cabinet door
that your dog cannot get into. Rule #7: Dogs are social pack animals. Include your dog in family holiday
activities and your dog will be a cherished part of your family. Enjoy your dog, - Adam Katz Dogproblems.com-
think you have time to train?
well-trained dog is a happy dog. Why? Because well-trained dogs are considered good citizens who are welcome in so many places.
They are allowed to go on walks, free to run in dog parks, able to ride in the car, and are well-liked visitors. That's
why it is so important to train your dog properly! Dog
training is less about time investment, and more about consistent behavior - on your part. Think you don't have time? Think again. It's easy to fit small
intervals of training into your routine. This will remind your dog that you're in charge, while reinforcing good behavior. A few minutes before taking your dog for a walk, run
through a few basic commands - praise him only when he's done them correctly. After the final exercise, tell him to "sit"
and get his leash. If your
dog gets overexcited when you get his leash, ignore him until he settles down, and put the leash on him only when he is calm. At meal times, don't let your dog beg at the table.
Give him a hollow toy filled with food that will occupy him. Every time you are about to let your dog in or out a door, ask him to "sit" before
opening the door. During commercial
breaks - turn down the sound and go through a couple basic commands. Whenever you play "fetch" or any retrieval game, ask your dog to "sit"
or go "down" before you throw the ball. Before
putting down your dogs food or water dish,
tell your dog to "sit", "down", or "wait" before letting him eat. If you have kids, make sure they understand and are also consistent with your dog's
training. And in the little
time you have every day, don't forget the Golden Dog Training Rule: praise your dog when he's being calm and well-behaved.
And ignore him if he's barking, begging or being noisy. You'll end up with a happy, well-adjusted and loyal friend.
Still don't
have time to train? Your doing the above but still not getting anywhere? How about joining one of our training classes.