Cathy, Thought you might enjoy a holiday picture of Ava ((Ava is out of Jada & Axel 2006.) A little more grey around the snout but has NOT slowed down since the day we picked her up seven
years ago! She‘s a “talker” and highly intelligent. She can open the locked French door out to the
fenced in back yard and car windows ( we ride around with the child lock on.) Recently, she has befriended three rag
doll cats! Should we be concerned? Tricia and I really feel that we hit the dog lottery! Thanks and Happy Holidays! PF
Hello Cathy - How have you been. I am attaching pictures of Arko. He is
growing up to be a handsome boy! Can I tell you that he is the BEST boy EVER! He is SO good with the kids and follows them
everywhere! He is so sweet and cuddles up to you on the bed and gives kisses and gives you a bath..haha! He has the BEST personality
and listens very very well. He loves to play ball or whatever you throw to him. He is so cute, when he comes out of the crate
when we get home, he must have a toy to grab and run around with. ALWAYS has to have one in his mouth (similar to Mesa, as
I remember?) And he loves to carry sticks that are bigger than him - he is so funny! We are SO HAPPY with him!!!! I am always checking out the new puppies - they are adorable!! Hope all is well with
you. Whitney and Brian Becker (Arko is out of Mesa & Kane 2010)
Hi Cathy, Here are a few pics of Gunner having fun on vacation in North Carolina. He was excellent
on the ride down. He's been spending the week with a Great Dane and a Terrier mix and he's been a perfect gentleman. He gets
along well with all dogs, and also cats. Everywhere he goes, people complement him on his calm demeanor, good behavior, and
handsome looks. I can't thank you enough for the work that you do to produce such wonderful dogs. We look forward to continuing
his training and hope to see you soon! The Portalla Family (Gunner is out of Mesa & Sam 2011)
Hi Cathy,
Just wanted to give you an update as to how Mesa was doing.
First off, I want to say thank you for for raising such a wonderful and pleasant companion. Mesa has not once left my side
since I picked her up. As we discussed before, I had wanted to bring her on an Angel flight that my company participates in
with our company jet. She has been on eight flights so far and keeps each one of the patients company as if she had known
them forever. Again, I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to adopt such a wonderful dog. She truly is one
of a kind. Pictures to follow once I get around to uploading them!
Thanks, Matt
Hello Cathy,
Here's a picture of Greta (Crowley/Curcio) one of
Chevy's pups from March 15, 2009. One picture is from last July on the beach, the other is from this January.
is now two. She is so wonderful! Our two little kids adore her and dote on her and she is great with them. I am so so so happy
we found her and am very grateful for the hard work that you are doing to breed great dogs with good health and temperaments.
She is one of the calmest dogs I have seen inside the house - high energy outside, but calm in the house. Thanks, Katherine Crowley (Greta is out of Chevelle & Panzer 2009)
Arko's great!! He is the best dog with the greatest puppy personality,
He's always happy and I/we couldn't imagine our home without him!! Honestly Cathy, that was a great litter, I can only
hope that when we're ready for another, we can get the same disposition again. See ya soon!! Trina (Arko is out of Baila & Buck 2008)
We're coming up on one year since Chevelle
came to live with us. She is a sweet and gentle dog who brought happiness to our family after the loss of our twelve year
old shepherd. The three years she was with you and your family no doubt made her into the wonderful dog she is today. Thank
you. The Silva family
Hey Cathy, I havent been in touch for a while. I got
Bauer from you out of Jada and Brady. I could go on and on how great Bauer is. Everywhere I take him I get nothing
but compliments about his color, size, temperament, trained/behavior. I'd like to think I have something to do with
it but it starts with good breeding. My neighbors are big fans, even my parents who aren't big dog people, but Bauer
got on their good side real quick. He's obsessed with water, pools, lakes, the ocean. So it's easy to bring him
where ever I go. I''m going to attach some pictures. I think it was probably last January when I had him
at your place for training. I just
wanted to catch up. I usually check your site every so often to see the new pups, they look great of course. I hope your holiday was good. David Scibilia & Bauer (Jada/Brady 2008)
Luna with Carla & Sumner on their wedding day |
Hi Cathy, I just wanted to give you an update on Luna-
I have to tell you about our day yesterday. I am currently working at a private school that allows dogs (I brought Luna
to my interview and I think she may have had something to do with me getting the position!) and yesterday was her first day
in the classroom. I have to say she was UNBELIEVABLE! I had hoped she would be good with the kids (because she is only
6 months and has some of those puppy habits- jumping, getting excitable, etc.) but I had no idea she would ever be as good
as she was- even in adulthood. She was calm and relaxed, even when 20 kids were touching her, crowding her, kissing
her, hugging her and calling her name. She obeyed anyone that asked her to do anything- it was so cute seeing
the kids commanding her to sit and Luna doing what ever was asked of her- sit, wait, catch, paw! I wish you could have
seen her because just telling you doesn't do her justice. I was very proud and everyone wants to know when she will
be in next (I think she will come in on Wednesdays). I still plan to get her therapy certified this spring and hopefully
this will prepare her for the test! We are also living in New Hampshire now and our apartment has 6 acres of land so
Luna is having a grand ole time (her favorite is still playing ball in the water- she loves to swim and retrieve the ball).
I do have to sign her up for her second bout of training classes.
Hope all is well and I will have to send you
pictures soon! She looks just like Cleo but maybe a bit darker- they both have the same blond collar.
~Carla (Luna is out of
Resi & Bullet 2009)
To whom in may concern,
We purchased a German Shepherd
from Cathy Seale almost one year ago and it was the best decision we have made. We named her Cleopatra, and
it is a fitting title because she is all that the name implies: beautiful, strong, elegant, intelligent,
discerning, protective, and stately in bearing. She loves people and children and also is very playful
with our two other pets, cats. She learns quickly when we attempt to teach her new commands and tricks, and has
no aggression issues.
We brought her to Cathy's "puppy socialization classes" and I believe
that is the best thing, as pet owners, that we could have done. She learned to get along with other dogs
of all sizes and temperaments, and through going up and down ramps, through tunnels and over shaky areas,
she dispelled her fear of new things. She is still the only dog at our neighbor dog park that goes up and
down the tall ramps or jumps through hoops, and with no fear. She keeps her eye on us at most times, but
is not shy to play with the other dogs. She will approach any of them, even ones who may give her an
initial low growl, with playfulness and good calm energy, that dispels any fear the other dog may have, and they
become fast friends after a good sniff.
She sleeps calmly in her kennel at night with her stuffed animal,
and doesn't wake us. She potty trained in about 3 days. Everywhere we go, people comment on her beauty,
and her long coat of many colors of sable, black and brown. She is an outstanding pet and the result of a
great breeding choice of mates by Cathy. I'm sure she will breed these two Shepherds together again at some
point, given the great pups she ended up with.
Cathy socializes the pups from birth and allowed us
to come weekly after they were three weeks of age to begin the bonding and present her with our scent.
I'm sure it made the transition to our home easier on her. She never squealed or cried for her litter mates once
we got her home and took a nice walk around our neighborhood with her. She settled right in.
We love her to death and want to say thank you to Cathy again and again, after each wet kiss Cleopatra brings
our way! I highly recommend that when you consider purchasing a new dog, you talk to Cathy Seale about
her great breeding program and her resulting puppies.
Revelle Taillon (Cleo is out of Resi & Bullet 2008)
Dawn, Brady Von Barren Berg & Missy |
We had to take Brady to the Vet's (cut in his foot) and he saw a different
Vet this time. She hasn't seen him since he was a pup. She was amazed at how well behaved and sweet he was. Her exact words were this is how
a Shepherd should act and I love his coloring and bone structure. She
also said you can tell he wasn't an American Shepherd and that our Breeder knew what they were doing!!! Thank you!!!! Dawn PS. Can't wait to get one of his pups (Brady is out of Zella & Axel 2005)
a very long-time handler, owner and trainer of many,many breeds (over 50 years) I cannot say enough about Cathy. Not only
are her dogs and what they produce the most stable,healthy, wonderful family dogs (and stunning to look at) but as a breeder
and a person she is one of the most compassionate and ethical people whom I have the honor of knowing. You'd have to go far
and wide to beat her Shepherds as companions and a woman who is knowlegable and dedicated as Cathy Seale. I should be pleased
to speak with anyone who wishes to contact me further. Cathy will give you my number and/or e-mail. Charlotte K-9
Nymeria Von Barren Berg, Marissa & Balian |
My husband Jimmy and I purchased a puppy from Cathy in March
of 2008. Nymeria is out of Kasch and Panzer and is our second dog, now living with our other dog Balian, our two cats
and our four ferrets. I cannot say enough about Cathy or about Nymeria. Ny is our first german shepherd and our
first pure-bred and Cathy made the whole process educational, enjoyable and frankly, awe-inspiring. We had the pleasure
of meeting Kasch several months before Nymeria was born and were instantly impressed with her good manors and sense of humor-
she entertained us and won our hearts in minutes. Cathy guided us through the puppy selecting process. We visited
the pups twice before taking Nymeria home, an experience that neither one of us will ever forget! We could not ask for
a better dog than Nymeria. Though her intelligence and drive are impressive, it is her temperament that stands out as
purely magnificent. We trust her implicitly with our little one year old cousin whom she allows to take a ball right
from her mouth and pet her anytime, anywhere whether she is eating, sleeping, etc. She interacts well with our cats
and our ferrets, the latter being a particular challenge for most dogs. She deliberately chooses to avoid conflicts
if they should arrise at the dogpark. German shepherds are not low-maintenance dogs and she constantly challenges us
to meet her needs, both mentally and physically. As we strive to do this, Cathy has been there as a support system every
step of the way, answering questions about tools, training, health, etc. She cares about her dogs long after they cease
becoming her official responsibility. Jimmy and I hope to bring another GSD into the house at a future date and we would
not go to anyone else- we are 100% sold on Cathy and her dogs. Marissa (Nymeria is out of Kasch & Panzer
Hi Cathy!
I'm so sorry I've been out of touch all summer, but
Ace and I have been relentlessly busy since June. I've been hard pressed to find time to keep up with any non-essential correspondence,
but I've wanted to send you a note about how we are doing with some pictures of my once little guy/now big guy.
is doing great and has been the definition of a perfect canine companion! Like I said, we have been really busy all summer
going back and forth between Upstate New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Boston. I've been working as an assistant director
on three small budget independent films, two of which are destined for the festival circuit. Ace has been faithfully by my
side the entire time and has built himself quite the reputation as an on-set dog making friends all along the way!
As much as Ace has met every expectation I ever had for him, he has also surpassed my highest hopes! He goes off leash so
well that other than when we are in Boston he rarely has one on him! He doesn't even chase after any vermin or birds when
the opportunity arises!! It's funny because all my life I've had dogs that bolt away the second they know they're not on a
leash and I've always been envious of people who had dog's that didn't. Now I have such a dog!!
Ace has had a
bout with canine acne and a couple ear infections. Sometime back in July he discovered swimming and revels in it any chance
he gets! Unfortunately coupled with air conditioning that can result in ear infections. I don't necessarily think he's had
more than one, he just didn't completely get over it the first go-around. But I've taken to cleaning his ears out about twice
a week and had to give him ear drops for a while, but he is doing much better with it these days!
I made it a point
to ensure that he had as much exposure to things as possible when he was a smaller puppy and as a result he accepts everything
as a learning experience and rarely, if ever, shows angst when experiencing something new! He rides the T like he's been doing
it for years, he does long car rides (the longest so far being 8 hours) very very well, he greets all dogs no matter their
size with great respect and has made many friends in both dogs and people!!
All in all I am most grateful for your
service in providing me this wonderful dog, whom I have and expect to continue sharing my life with whole heartedly! We both
treasure our time together and he has served as a great sense of stability in my otherwise chaotic life.
I promise
I will try to be in touch more!! As the summer winds down and our travels become less regular, I will have time to let you
know how things are going more often. Again, I'm sorry we've been so distant, it was never my intention to leave you out of
the loop.
I've attached some pictures of my boy that demonstrate how he's grow so fast in such a short time. He
is just as beautiful as ever and I believe his full nature will be the envy of dog lovers all over!
I hope you've
had a great and equally successful summer and continue into the fall. If the option is still available, perhaps we will make
a trip up your way to visit soon.
Take care, Bob (Ace
is out of Danica & Dohate 2012)
Hi Cathy, Love
your website. The dogs are gorgeous. Was just going through it and have always wanted to write a testamonial for you. I was
remembering Anghus's floppy ears when he was just a little pup. Well in May he is going to be 6 years old. I can't believe
it. He has just fit into our family so well. He loves everyone and loves to give kisses and be in the middle of everything.
past year I had a lot of surgery. Anghus has been by my side through all of it. He loves to lay on my bed with me and keep
me company. Now that I can walk he loves to walk down the street with me He never pulls and stays right by my side. He is
definitly getting me up and out more than I would if he wasn't around. I can't wait to be able to go back to the beach and
walking in the woods with him. I also look forward to taking him to the dog park again and watching him play with his friends. We have a little yorkie
who Anghus loves. Ben is a quirkie 11 lb little guy. He loves to play with Anghus and bite his feet. They play in the yard
together and Anghus is always gentle with him. It amazes me that he knows he has to go easy with his "little brother.:"
is such a great dog, I adore him as much as he adores me. I look forward to the next 6 years with him and hopefully more.
Thanks Paula Also wanted to tell
you that I taught Anghus how to help me up from a sitting position. He stands very still and I use his collar and my hand
near his back side and I pull myself up. He will also start to pull if I need a little more help getting up. It was like he
knew exactly what to do. I am able to get up on my own for the most part now but he will still come and stand or sit
in front of me and wait until I am ready to get up. (Your suggestion) . He is a great dog. So gentle and loving. BTW your grandson is so cute. Looks like he has LOTs of energy. Enjoy!!! (Anghus
is out of Zella & Axel 2006)
Cathy & Brandon, First of all,
I would like to thank both of you for breeding such wonderful dogs! We are so happy with aspect of Marvin. He’s gorgeous,
smart and has an amazing temperament. I’ve been training ( obedience & protection) with him with Mike Wagreich in
Billerica, but want to start coming out to the Sunday protection classes as well. I’ve seen a couple of things
of interest on your website and newsletters. I would like to look into Therapy and see that it’s coming soon, so if
you have more detail on that I would like to discuss. I also noticed a seminar on dogs and kids that I would be interested
in attending, but now can’t find the information anywhere. He such a great dog, and such a joy to be around, that I
want to expose him to as much as possible.Anyway….I have a couple of business trips coming up in June,
but we’ll bring Marvin over for a visit in July. Best regards,Diane Conroy (Marvin is out of Baila & Buck 2009)
Hi Cathy, Ava is from Jada
and Axel’s litter. It’s hard to believe we picked her up from your kennel five years ago!
I just wanted to share a few pictures. You should know the pictures really don’t do her credit. People
often stop and tell us what a beautiful dog she is. She loves playing jolly
ball and running with Tricia and I. She is truly an awesome dog. Great Job! PF (Ava is out of Jada & Axel 2006)
Hi Cathy, I wanted to give you an update on Max. His
obedience is outstanding after staying with trainer for week, acting like the perfect gentleman wherever we go now.
Max goes jogging, biking, camping, to the kids sporting events, and to Jim's jobsites; we get compliments on him
all the time. Jim even had a former breeder stop him on the street to say what a well bred, handsome dog he is.
Max, like his mother, loves a good game of chase with the ball or a hoop. We've also discovered his tremendous love
of the water. He pesters Jim to spray him with the hose when he washes the car and can't pass up a splash in the water
bowl when he takes a drink. Most days my kitchen floor looks like the pool deck at the Y in August.
We joke that he must have been a Portuguese water spaniel in a past life! At over 60 pounds now, he's a long way from
that tiny 4 1/2 pound bottle-fed puppy you gave us just 6 short months ago but he's still as cuddly as ever. He is fabulous
addition to our family, and we can't thank you enough for choosing us to be his family. Take care, Kim Dailey (Max is out of Mesa & Yak 2009)
Hello Cathy
It has been 4-5 months since we talked last I think. I hope all is going
well for you. I see things are still "breeding" along for you. I thought I would drop a line to say
hi and let you know that Dieter is doing very well here in Lunenburg. I put him in Daycare for about 3 months til my
husband could deal with him better. That turned out to be the best thing until we noticed he started to get some bad
habits. We talked to our trainer and she told us to get him out of there. The socialization was the best for him.
The bad habits are under control now. He has the best personality in the world. He is a jokester. He
can push the buttons on occasion but for the most part he is a gem! I thought I would also send you this link of him in action doing his Search & Rescue Training. As
you will see he is in great company. I could not figure out how to send you just Dieter so you will have to scroll
through to him and see his pictures. I think you should be able to identify him.....Enjoy http://gallery.me.com/elizabethlapointe#gallery If he keeps up the pace he is going right now
he will be one of the youngest GSD to get a Certification Level 1, by the time he is one yr. (minimum age) for the test..
He has taken to this like it was in his blood.! He can find just about anybody, night, day, wind, rain, snow.
He is "an amazing young man" and a "superstar" in the words of one of the trainers (who is also
a schzhund judge) So, we are having
fun getting to know each other doing things together. We are also entered in a working dog show in Conneticut on
04/11/10 weekend. I am going to show him in a German working breed class...6-9 months. I have a handler that
will show him. It should prove very interesting. She(handler) was looking up his pedigree and sent me a picture
of "Arko" she found..She was shocked, I was not! Well, hope you have a quiet Easter weekend. I will have to come down to say hi one weekend soon.
Hope all is well. Take care Martha & Dieter ( Baila
& Buck 2009)
Just an update.
Obama is the greatest. You breed
exceptional dogs.
He is well behaved. Extremely handsome with great markings. His temperament is so so wonderful.
And of course he is highly intelligent.
Thank you so much. Jeff Fruman (Obama is out of Resi & Bullet 2009)
"Layla" Pet Day at School |
Hi Cathy, Long time no
communicate. Thought I'd send you a pic of Layla at our granddaughters' dog day show and tell. It was a day on
which the kids in her class brought their dogs for a show and tell kind of thing. We watched a couple of the dogs and
found Layla to be absolutely the best of the show, not only in appearance but in the manner in which the dogs were handled
by the kids. Layla absolutely loves kids and loves our grandchildren and amazingly can walk very calmly with any of
the little ones (Olivia age 10). She received a ton of oohs and aahs by everyone. As
she matures, we marvel at her calmness, her unremitting love and affection, and her desire to do the right thing by pleasing
us. She hasn't failed yet. Speaking of which, we went to Charleston, SC, for the month of Marchand she rode down
and back without one peep. It was like she wasn't even with us she was so quiet and good in the car over a long distance.
Amazing to say the least. Every time we take her anywhere we're stopped by numerous people
asking about her. I've given your name out about a thousand times thus far. She really seems to command a great
deal of attention. To boot, she's great with people. Still jumps up now and again but is losing that bad habit
with time. Occasionally we take her to a day care called Pet Resort in Falmouth. They
were at first leary of a German Shepherd being present but ended up asking us to bring her back as often as we could because
of her ability to get along with dogs of all sizes and breeds. She is amazing to say the least. Hope this finds you and yours well. Dave & Jules Pearsall Sandwich (Layla is out of Kasch & Panzer 2008)
Hi Cathy, I
just wanted to give you an update on Bertram and send along some pictures for you as well. He's doing great. He's very bossy, but super lovable as well. He just turned two on 10/10. He's
a bit short and compact like his mother Mesa. He loves the water; we take him to the beach every Saturday and most Sunday's
mornings for a swim and ball chasing. He's very much like his mother he constantly has a ball in his mouth. He falls to sleep
with them in his mouth and when I come home it's the first thing he picks up. We had him in some training over the last few months and he's doing really well. We just wanted to thank you for him and we are very happy that we stumbled onto your kennel. Thank you, Kevin Krupcheck
(Bert is out of Mesa & Kane 2010)
Hi Cathy,
My how time flies! I just wanted to send you a few snapshots
of Bosun (Thelma & Bullet). I can't believe he's already two! He has been doing absolutely wonderfully and everybody just
loves him. We constantly get stopped and asked who bred him and we've been giving out your name nonstop! Our vet is bonkers
for him also, as a past GSD breeder. We lost our 11 yr old husky Rio over the summer to liver cancer/failure and he really
helped us get through it. When we adopted another husky puppy a few months ago he welcomed her with open arms into the family.
He's so tolerant and gentle of her little puppy personality, you would think he gave birth to her himself. Thank you so much
for breeding such wonderful dogs, we'll definitely be back for more!
-Katie & Bob Rogers (Bosun is
out of Thelma & Bullet 2009)
Hi Cathy,
These pictures are long over due, we've been wanting
to send these to you. Miranda looks at your website frequently and wants us to get Kiya a friend, wants to the key word :)
The kids LOVE Kiya she is really a good dog, she watches out for the kids all the time, knows when a 'stranger' comes into
the house and certainly lets us know when someone is at the door that she doesn't recognize. Kiya loves being outside with
them, plays ball with them all the time, she actually throws the ball back to them, just like playing catch. These pictures
are from last summer, but we will do a better job at sending more to you. We will try to send you some from over the years. Hope you enjoy!
The Hatch Family (Kiya is
out of Baila & Buck 2008)
Hi Cathy,
I hope all is well. I attached a few pictures of Rylie from our hiking trip to Mt. Lafayette
in Franconia, NH on August 28th. (Can you believe that was the day after her second birthday?!?) She did so well
on her first hike! She led the way until about the two mile mark on the way up, and was afterwards a close second to
the leader of our small group. The total hike was about four miles up, and four miles back down, (summit was 5,260 feet,)
and she loved it the whole way! There were other dogs out hiking that day, but Rylie was the only one who carried her
own supplies in her hiking pack. We got TONS of compliments on her athleticism the entire day. You're breeding
some fantastic puppies over there in Rowley!!
Can't wait
to see the pictures from your fall litters!
Keira (Rylie is out of Mesa & Panzer 2008)
Hi Cathy, Its been a while but we are sending a few pic's of Keeper, he is 41/2 now out of Zella &
Bullet. He is the best dog anyone could ask for, very protective of our house and me and my truck. I work overnight
in some pretty bad section's of Boston, and he watches me like a hawk. He loves running around with the little kids
in the neighborhood playing with them. They are the only one's that are not scared by his looks. He is so gentle with them.
Although we live in the middle of South Boston he gets to really enjoy the beach which is only a block away, he swims every
summer night, and plays at the park with his 2 best Rhodesian ridgeback friends . We thank you for the opportunity to own
him. Again, Thank You.
Peter Lydon & Kelly Cunningham South Boston Ma (Keeper is out of Zella
& Bullet 2005)
Cathy...sending you 2 pics of Kai. He has recently
returned home after being away for 3 weeks in training.
He is so well behaved now. He had 3 trainers and they
loved him. . Their comments about Kai - .....he is exactly what you want in a German Shepherd..... he is very well
bred (a credit to your program I might add)....he is an awesome
dog....They were surprised at how quickly he understood the
program (very intelligent dog) they added. He still likes
to push the envelope though and we are adhereing to what is
necessary although it's so difficult not to spoil him. He is
a very loving guy! Sondra and Lou Biacchi (Kaiser is out of Mesa & Yak
Rex & Zella Von Barren Berg |
Zella Von Barren Berg & Reese |
I recently adopted a German Shepherd named Zella Von Barren
Berg from Cathy Seale of NordOsten Kennels. Let me tell you about the newest member of my family. "Queen
Zella" (her new nickname) is nine years old and is solid black in color. She is simply gorgeous!
She has a thick coat and intelligent brown eyes. She has a strong build with large, erect ears. She is sturdy
and steadfast. She adores children and is extremely gentle with them. She is a guardian of the home and my
constant companion. She is fearless but not hostile. She is lively, dependable and obedient. In short, she
is everything a German Shepherd should be. I was a veterinary technician for six years before I became a stay-at-home Mom. I have met many German Shepherds and many breeders in my career. Because of this background, I can tell
you one thing with great confidence-- you will not find a better breeding program in the area than at NordOsten
Kennels. NordOsten's dogs are both well-bred and well-adjusted. They are superior in looks and in temperament.
Cathy's dogs are all fine examples of what a German Shepherd should be. We plan on adding another NordOsten pup
to our family someday, but for now we are just enjoying our time with The Queen Bee. Zella is an exceptional dog and we feel extremely lucky to have her. Thank you so much, Cathy! You rock! Katie Betts-Levine & Family
Hey Cathy! So it's been 2 weeks (it seems like longer) and Resi is still doing great. She seems to have figured out she
is here to stay, and seems a lot more relaxed. She and Zella get along great, so that's been a plus. She has also been a lot more playful and it's been
fun to see her personality come out. She reminds me of a fox or something, the way her tail is so expressive.
Does that make sense? She is just a funny girl but also has a real chill, mellow side. I feel like I have bonded
to her already and really love her. The
best thing though has been seeing her with the kids. At first she just seemed a little unsure of the noise level and
what their motives were. Luckily I have two kids who don't torment the dogs, but just the noise level in general made
her unsure. At this point though, she is a pro and seems to really like the kids. She will steal Rex's football
and run around and she will be downstairs sleeping while he watches TV, just the two of them. It's really cute.
She sleeps next to my bed on her dog bed at night, and Zella sleeps downstairs in Rex's room in her crate. Zella!
She just will never attempt the stairs, Resi or no Resi. We tell Rex she is there to protect him, so I actually like
it! :) Here is a pic of
Resi and Rex. I thought this was adorable. She is so great Cathy. Really, thank you so much for sending
her our way. I feel very blessed to have such wonderful, friendly, beautiful shepherds. Thanks again! Katie
Here's what some
happy customers have to say about our training classes......
Cheryl & Maggie at the MSPCA Walk in Boston. |
Cathy... Wanted to tell you how happy I am that I found out about Nordosten Kennels training classes! Your Beginner
Puppy Obedience class on Saturday mornings offered Maggie a wonderful start-up obedience experience. The friendly
atmosphere offering knowledge & experience by you, was perfect for Maggie & for me. The "mix"
of socialization, basic obedience and the agility- time was so helpful in getting Maggie off to great start with her obedience
training! The outdoor setting, variety of dogs, (large Shepherds!! etc....), CGC Testing experience and the
pay per class option all added to what I consider a most positive experience for all....Now, Maggie is being challenged
by Brandon in the more advanced obedience classes that you offer at Nordosten. Your training classes are terrific!
Lots of fun, too!! THANK YOU, Cathy! See
you at Rally-O and many more classes to follow....
I am attaching a picture of Maggie & I at the MSPCA Walk
this past September in Boston. I would NEVER have considered attending a gathering such as this with over 1,000 dogs
& their owners if I did not have the confidence in Maggie and her behavior in a very new situation. Thank
you for helping "us" develop that confidence. Sincerely, Cheryl
& Maggie, the "Boxador"
Marissa, Nymeria & Balian |
Okay, you
and Brandon are the most wonderful dog people in the world. Your classes are incredible and we feel so blessed to have
met you, to have one of your pups and to be learning from you guys. Yes, I am gushing!!! ;-) we had so much
fun this morning, learned so much and think it is so good for our dogs. Brandon didn't make us feel like we were out
of place even though this was new for our dogs, especially Balian, and they were a little behind the others. We felt
comfortable and walked away feeling in control of our dogs but also having enjoyed our time- what a great combination.
Cathy, We wanted to let you
know that we enjoy working with both you and Brandon. We look forward to the class and hopefully Kobe does too,
lol. Both of you make the training fun and not an endless chore. There is something
new to learn every week. Today was geometry, lol. The part I like the best is not always
the same dogs or same group of people week after week. Different faces and different breeds mixes it up quite
nicely and we wanted to thank the both of you for the fun time.
Kim, Janine and Kobe