Pink ribbon black & tan "Myla" |
Hi Cathy, Myla has
been doing much better in her crate, she hasn't had any issues in about 3 weeks now. She's really settling in here
very nicely, she's been a great puppy. She goes to puppy day care now twice a week to play with other puppies and
she loves it! I think she would stay there all the time if we let her, and its a good way to let her run around a lot, since
we haven't been outside as much with all this snow. She does love to go jump in the snow piles that aren't bigger
than her and eat the snow though! Here is a picture of her today relaxing. Hope all is well. Thanks Allison, Matt, and Myla
Hi Cathy! Matthew,
Myla, and I just wanted to say hello! She is doing great. She tries really hard to be a good girl, but of course
loves to chew on everything she can get her mouth on. She loves to play with her toys and run around in the yard,
and she’s getting so big! She’s around a solid 20lbs now. And she is so smart! She knows lots of
commands and the most important thing, where the treats are kept in the kitchen. Thank you so much for such an amazing
puppy! Love, Allison, Matt & Myla
Purple ribbon black & tan "Lida" |
Hi Cathy, Thank you so much for another awesome puppy.
Here is Lida at 13 weeks. She is very loving and extremely smart and is definitely full of endless energy! She sleeps the
night in her crate but, prefers the loveseat or bed. She is good with basic commands including come
from long distances. We are working on stay from long distance after 4 weeks of come, she tries so hard! Lida
also Loves Otto and they are best friends. They are always together, I am sure that her nose has been over every inch of
5 acres. Lida loves to ride and socialize at many local businesses and is well behaved when we visit .They make a good
team! I will try to send more pics soon. Cathy ,Thanks again for another special Pup!!
We Love her Dave
Orange ribbon black & tan "Zeichen" |
Cathy, I can't thank you enough for such a wonderful puppy! He is
the perfect puppy for us! Alice
Brown ribbon sable "Grizzly" |
Haven't said hello for awhile and Grizzly wanted to show you his changing coat!
Everyone who meets him says he is a beautiful dog and is so smart. (Everyone wants to steal him from me) He is about 40
pounds now and as you can see Terra let him onto the couch, meaning he has a new favorite spot! He loves the outdoors and
we go for hikes in the woods regularly that he loves, I rarely leash him and he sticks to my side and listens well for his
age. Vet checks all went well and he is a healthy boy!
Thank you again for such a great dog!
and Grizz
Hi Cathy, Just wanted to check in and let you know grizzly is doing
well. Just got back from vets- for his shots and checkup. All is well. He is a solid 15.5 pounds. I attached some
pictures of him. He's doing well with commands already and crate training was a breeze. He has done so good. Hope all
if well, and happy holidays from us!
Mark and Grizz!
Black ribbon black & tan "Remington" |
Hi Cathy,
Thank you so much for your note in the mail
this week. And perfect timing, we were planning on emailing you this week with an update on Remington!
He had his second vet appointment at Carr Island last Friday and did FANTASTIC (one
of his brothers was there earlier in the day, too!) . He has gained 8 pounds already in the 4 weeks since we picked him up
and is so handsome. Hes taken to housebreaking, crate training, and obedience training very well, and we continue to work
with him and exercise him daily. Hes also been amazing at night, and sleeps through the night until we start our day in
the morning.
We get compliments everywhere we go, and his favorite store by far has been Tractor Supply, where
he gets to meet other puppies and little kids.
We attached
several pictures for you (I was so happy when his ears stood up pretty early!), and we hope you have as great of a holiday
as we are having with Remington.
PS - We saw that the pregnancy took with Sam and Lita. We are still very interested
in adding the second puppy we put the deposit on to our family around February, so we would love to bring Remington by and
take a look at the new pups when the time is appropriate.
Happy holidays!
Matt, Dia, and Remington
Green ribbon black & tan "Gunner" |
Hi Cathy,
I wanted to send you a quick update on Gunner, since it's been a while and he's almost 11 months! He was out of Josie
and Sam last year. He's doing excellent! He has an amazing temperament, and is so great with all the dogs and
new people he meets. I've attached some recent pictures of him, and just want to say thank you again for such a great
Thanks so much!!
Kyle and Gunner
Hi Cathy, I wanted to thank you so much for such a great pup, Gunner is fitting in very
well. He checked in at 23.5lbs yesterday (12/15) at the vet, and of course he was loving all the attention he received
from everyone there! He has the basic commands down, and we are excited to start classes next month. We'll keep sending updated
pictures as he get bigger! Thanks again for such a awesome addition to the family..
Happy holidays,
Kyle, Ronnie, and Gunner
Blue ribbon black & tan "Riley" |
Josie & Sam pups were born 9/27/14. 5 males and 2 females. These
pups have gone to their new homes.
Josie von NordOsten 87% East |
Josie is out of Baila von Barren Berg, CGC &
Joseph vom Konigsdorf. She has an excellent temperament and good drive, very athletic. Good with kids and other dogs.
Hip prelims look good. DM Clear. Pictured at 3 yrs. old.
Samson vom Birken Wald CGC, 93% East |
Sam is a large male with excellent temperament. He is a gentle giant, sweet
disposition and very intelligent. He loves to play fetch and enjoys playing with all the girls & puppies. Hip prelims
look good and DM clear.