Autumn & Eli pups were born 2/7/24. 4 males and 1 female. These
pups have all gone to their new homes.
Blue ribbon black & tan
Green ribbon black & tan "Ford"
Navy ribbon black & tan "Vinny"
Orange ribbon black & tan "Rhody"
Pink ribbon sable "Sophie"
These pup will be weaned on to raw goats milk, then on to Fromm
Puppy kibble. They will start the NuVet Plus supplement around 5 weeks of age. Pup will be going to the vet for health check & 1st shots on 3/29/24 and ready
for pick up on 3/30. These pups have all gone to their new homes!
Autumn von NordOsten
Eli Von Barren Berg is a very handsome boy, nice big head and bones,
typical DDR structure. Great disposition! Great all around dog.